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Skinos Body Sculpting: How It Can Benefit You

14.05.23 07:06 PM

Skinos Body Sculpting

Body Contouring

Research shows that 28% of women in India are moderately to severely dissatisfied with their body. This is often because they may not meet the local beauty standards.

Many have some concerns about their body, which is why we may be considering a body contouring treatment. This is a great option for those looking for a gentler way to tackle these issues.

Body sculpting provides the perfect solution for reducing excess body fat from different body parts. It is non-invasive and doesn’t require excessive exercise or dieting to loose the fat from targeted areas.

Keep reading to find out what is body contouring and how body sculpting is beneficial. 

What Is Body Sculpting?

When it comes to body contour centers, many may not understand this procedure. Body sculpting meaning describes a non-invasive procedure for fat reduction and body contouring.

Body sculpting treatments target pockets of fat that people may feel self-conscious about. These are often areas of fat that many can’t get rid of through other options.

The treatment is done with heat or cool energy on those areas of the body. The stubborn fat is then eliminated through the body's natural process.

The results create a very natural-looking appearance with less fat. Most people say they look more toned and fit after their procedure.

This is not a treatment used to lower body weight when it comes to fat. It is an aesthetic treatment meant to help tone the body and target trouble areas.

How Is Body Sculpting Performed?

Looking for body sculpting near me? If so, it is important to understand what body sculpting is like.

Body sculpting treatments are quite unique when compared to other treatment options. They are the best way to sculpt your body without going through surgery.

There are different body sculpting options where the procedure is a bit different. In general, these sessions should only take between 15 to 20 minutes.

They are very non-invasive, creating only minimal discomfort in some individuals. Anyone can show up for their appointment and still tackle other tasks afterward.

Most people do not experience any pain or side effects from this procedure and there is shortest recovery time. There may be some soreness afterward due to cold temperatures, but that is not common.

These treatments can also be done on all skin types at any time of the year. Because of this, there are very few limitations when it comes to affordable body sculpting.

How Many Sessions Are Necessary?

Another common question people have is about body sculpting sessions. How many sessions do we need to get the desired results?

When it comes to body sculpting, the number of sessions will depend on the treatment option. It will also depend on our body chemistry and our goal.

Some people respond a bit differently and may show improvements faster. More sessions may also be necessary for those of us who want to see more impactful results.

Some treatment options may require between 1 to 6 individual sessions. This is something that should be thoroughly discussed with the body contouring specialist.

At Skinos, these are details we will discuss before any sessions begin. Some treatment options may also require some maintenance sessions later on.

We may need this every 6 to 12 months to make sure the results are lasting. This treatment can also target new fat cells that may have developed over time.

How many sessions each person needs will be decided on at their consultation. This is important as every case is going to be different, and we want to have realistic expectations.

Common Body Sculpting Areas

A body sculpting program can be used for any areas where there may be fat. Although, there are specific areas that most people want to target.

Examples of this include their neck, where they may have excess pockets of fat. We may refer to this as a double chin, where there is too much fat or sagginess.

Other problem areas people often want to fix are their arms and back. This fat loss treatment helps to remove excess fat that may be stubborn and difficult to treat.

Another common area is the stomach and general abdominal area. This is especially difficult for women when it comes to excess fat that dieting and exercise don’t resolve.

Skin sculpting can tighten these areas and create a smoother look. This is also done for the legs, buttocks, and thigh areas.

Benefits of Body Sculpting

Now that we have discussed body sculpting let’s talk about the benefits. This fat removal treatment has a lot of benefits that people may be interested in.

It is very important to understand the benefits of the treatment before proceeding. This ensures that this treatment is the right fit and will yield the desired results.

Reduces Fat

Fat sculpting is used to help eliminate excess fat deposits. This is often the most stubborn form of fat that even dieting and exercise can’t resolve.

This sculpting treatment is not designed to help anyone lose weight or reach their physical goals. It helps to remove surface fat that may be uncomfortably noticeable.

This could also result in people losing a few inches after their treatment.

Fast and Convenient

One of the biggest benefits of body sculpting is how convenient it is. There is no other weight loss sculpting treatment that is so easy to do.

Most people even say that their treatment was like going to the spa. It is very comfortable, and it only takes a small amount of time to complete each session.

Not only is body sculpting convenient, but it is also fast. The process takes less than 30 minutes, allowing us to go on about our day.

Patients will also continue to see results a few weeks after their appointment.


A big benefit of body contouring is that it is not invasive and best suitable for those who want to avoid unwanted cosmetic surgeries. This sculpting aesthetic is achieved through a very gentle process that anyone can do.

There is no sedation or aftercare involved. This makes body contouring much more realistic for a wider variety of people.

It also makes it a safer option for those who may not be able to go through surgery.

Healthier Appearance

A benefit of body contouring is how healthy our body looks afterward. This creates a naturally toned and fit appearance that most people desire.

The results look very natural, and there is no residual scarring or bruising to worry about. There are technologies to build muscles and burn fat which can be utilised with our regular workout plan to remove fat. It also helps us in strength training of pelvic muscles to treat urinary incontinence.

Permanent Results

One thing we love about body sculpting procedures is that it is permanent. Body sculpting destroys fat cells that create deposits of fat without us having to increase our heart rate through running and exercise to burn the fat.

Once the cells are completely destroyed, they're removed through the lymphatic system. Each individual fat cell is permanently destroyed through this process.

This means that those fat cells are never going to be a problem again. However, it is important to remember that new fat cells can develop in those same areas.

If that is the case, another session may be necessary to destroy those as well.

Who Should Get Body Contouring?

When it comes to weight loss sculpting, many are curious about who needs it. This is a question we may be asking if we are considering this treatment for ourselves.

The good news is that anyone could benefit from body sculpting. This is a treatment option that is gentle enough that it is safe for just about anyone.

It is perfect at targeting those stubborn areas of fat that nothing else seems to treat. People may be generally fit and healthy but still feel like they have excess fat in some areas.

This is the perfect treatment option for anyone who has some body insecurities. Areas of fat can be removed to create a smoother and more toned appearance.

It is a common option among those who have lost weight but still have certain areas to tackle. It is especially beneficial since naturally targeting fatty areas is very difficult.

Body Contouring Treatment Benefits

Everyone has some body insecurities that they would like to have fixed. One of these issues includes excess fat that may be difficult to get rid of through diet or exercise.

Body sculpting is the perfect solution for this in a non-invasive form. It is convenient and quick, allowing anyone to enjoy this treatment option.

Body contouring can be used to target neck fat, belly fat, or arm fat. This is all done through heat or cold energy in 15 to 20-minute sessions.

Are you interested in getting a body sculpting treatment for a more toned appearance? Contact us today at Skinos to book an appointment.

Dr.Sandeep Kumar

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