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Cryolipolysis: An impressive Fat Freezing Treatment

28.04.23 02:41 PM



Did you know that 1.9 billion people over the age of 18 are overweight worldwide? Being overweight is not only bad for your health, but it can also be the root of a lot of self-esteem issues. Many people don't like the excess fat they may have around their stomachs, hips, or thighs. 

If this sounds like you, cryolipolysis may be the perfect solution. Cryoliploysis treatment options are ideal for reducing fat in specific areas of your body. It is a form of fat-freezing technology that can make you look more toned in no time.

But how does this fat-freezing treatment work? How much does it cost? How can you know if it's the right treatment option for you?

Keep reading and learn more about how it works below.

What You Need to Know About Cryolipolysis

Before you fret over the fat-freezing treatment cost, you should first know the basics of what this treatment entails. Cryolipolysis is sometimes referred to as CoolSculpting for body contour.

But it is more accurate to say that Cool Sculpting is only one type of cryolipolysis. Cryolipolysis is the general term for freezing fat cells so that they die and help in fat reduction. This may sound dangerous, but it is one of the safest ways to get rid of stubborn fat.

But why would you opt for cryolipolysis when you could lose weight by dieting and exercising? You may have already lost plenty of weight with these methods, but you may still have stubborn subcutaneous fat in certain areas of your body. No matter how much you work out, those fat pockets don't seem to go away.

This may make you feel hopeless and like you might never achieve your ideal body. The problem with exercise is that it doesn't burn fat from specific target areas but rather your whole body. Cryolipolysis is different.

It can target specific areas and reduce fat in those areas. It is commonly used for love handles where fat deposit can be discomforting. Fat is made up of cells called adipose cells. When you use cryolipolysis to target those area of fat cells, they will shrivel up and die over several months.

This will then allow you to see the amazing coolsculpting results of the procedure. Your body will be much leaner.

How It Works

If you want to freeze tummy fat, your toned abdominal muscles will be much more noticeable once the overlying fat goes away.

This is true when you freeze away stubborn fat of any kind. A fat-freezing treatment in Delhi is also a very fast and simple procedure. It isn't surgery and there isn't any downtime with immediate recovery time.

Once you go in for the procedure, you will be ready to continue the rest of your day once you're finished. You may need to get several cryolipolysis fat-freezing treatments before you start to see the results you want.

You also should know that cryolipolysis isn't a weight-loss method. You should already be at your goal weight before you get this procedure. Otherwise, you might not see very prominent results.

You should also be conscious of your weight as you go through this process. There is no point in doing cryolipolysis if you gain several pounds during the treatment process. This procedure can't prevent you from gaining weight.

What Are the Benefits of Cryolipolysis?

The main benefit of coolsculpting treatment is that it isn't invasive. There will be no need for scalpels, bandages, or stitches. This makes it a much safer procedure compared to weight-loss surgery or liposuction.

Your cryolipolysis provider will use a special tool to administer the treatment. The tool has a suction device that sucks a portion of your fat into it. It then holds the fat there and freezes it with intense cold temperature.

You will feel a cold sensation when this happens, but you should not feel pain. The provider will do this several times around the area you want to be treated. If you see a picture of cryolipolysis before and after, you will notice what substantial results the procedure can achieve.

A single treatment will take an hour or less. The larger the treatment area, the longer it will take. Your skin will not be damaged in the process.

Cryolipolysis fat-freezing is a great way to get leaner without having to go through any painful procedures. Just make sure you choose a good fat-freezing and skin clinic to do this for you.

This will ensure that you get the best results. You should manage your expectations when you go in for this procedure. You will not get instant results.

It takes time for the targeted fat cells to die off after being exposed to very low temperatures. This takes between four and six months for most people. It is important to be patient during this process.

You may feel that you're not making any progress as time goes on. But if you take a picture at the start of your treatment and another picture several months later, you will notice a significant difference.

The Science Behind Cryolipolysis

Once the fat cells die, the same cells will not come back. But this does not mean that you are incapable of gaining weight in that area again. Your results will last as long as you maintain your ideal weight. If you start gaining weight, there is no reason why the treated area shouldn't fill with new fat cells.

This is why you should be cautious about your weight if you're thinking about getting cryolipolysis. This is not a good treatment option for those whose weights often fluctuate. But if you can maintain a steady weight, this would be a great option for you.

Studies have shown that cryolipolysis is very effective, too. The results are very long-lasting. Some people can enjoy their new, toned look for six to nine years.

To maintain the results for a longer period, you may need to get additional treatments. These treatments are meant to target any new fat cells that may have grown over the years. Exercising and following a healthy diet will ensure that your results persist for as long as possible.

But what about the fat-freezing side effects? How much does fat-freezing cost?

Is Cryolipolysis Right for You?

Because cryolipolysis is not an invasive procedure, it doesn't have many side effects. But there are still certain cryolipolysis side effects you should look out for. One of the most common is soreness of the treated area.

This is normal and the sensation will go away within a week. Most people do not develop any side effects. The risk of cryolipolysis fat-freezing side effects is much lower compared to similar procedures.

Some people may develop swelling, tenderness, and mild pain around the treatment area. These effects should also go away on their own after a few days. The most major side effect of coolsculpting is also the rarest: paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH).

This is when your fat cells grow rather than shrink in reaction to the treatment. This can be a very difficult problem to fix. But this side effect occurs in less than 1% of everyone who gets this procedure, so there is no need to worry about it.

Before you determine whether this treatment is right for you, you should also consider the cost. The cryolipolysis cost in India can vary depending on where you are and who your cryolipolysis provider is. Some areas of the country offer more affordable treatments than other areas.

The Cost and Choosing the Right Provider

The cryolipolysis treatment cost in India is usually around INR 20,000 to 35,000. You should always stay within your budget when choosing a procedure like this. If this treatment is well within your budget, you then have to find a good cryolipolysis provider.

Make sure you choose one with plenty of experience. The more experience a provider has, the better job they will do. You should also make sure the provider has plenty of good reviews from previous clients.

If you find a provider that has many negative reviews, they likely won't care about making your experience comfortable. But a provider with many positive reviews will make an effort to make sure you feel content during the procedure.

Once you find a good provider, you shouldn't have any trouble getting cryolipolysis.

All About Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a great way to tackle stubborn fat that hasn't responded to a healthy diet and exercise. This treatment is non-invasive and allows you to target the fat in specific parts of your body. After a few months, you will start to see the fat melt away.

Are you ready to get started with cryolipolysis? Check out our services and book an appointment with us.

Dr.Sandeep Kumar

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